Saudi Founding Day

The Desalination Journey in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

An Inspiring Journey from Challenges to Leadership

On the Founding Day, we celebrate the rich history of kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its remarkable achievements that have shaped its prosperous present. Among these great accomplishments is the journey of water desalination, which has made the Kingdom a global model in ensuring water security and sustainability, despite natural challenges and scarce water resources.

Founding Day PatternFounding Day Visual

Water is the essence of life

Water has been the driving force behind the civilizations of nations. Throughout history, the Arabian Peninsula has faced water scarcity, relying on seasonal rainfall and wells that could not meet the growing demands. With the expansion of cities and industries, the need for sustainable solutions became essential to ensure a reliable water supply for the Kingdom’s population.

The necessity of ensuring a reliable water supply for the Kingdom’s population

The Kingdom began searching for groundbreaking solutions, and seawater desalination became the key In 1384H (1964), the foundation for this ambitious project was laid with the establishment of a specialized office to study and implement desalination projects, marking the beginning of a new era of innovation and challenge. From relying on wells and natural springs to adopting the latest desalination technologies, the journey toward water security had begun.

Sustainability & Innovation

The water sector in the Kingdom has witnessed tremendous development over the past decades, with the establishment of massive desalination systems and the expansion of distribution networks to cover various regions. This transformation has turned arid deserts into thriving environments. The Kingdom has received global recognition for its efforts, becoming a leading model in water resource management and sustainability.

Enduring Imprints and a Sustainable Water Future

Since the era of King Abdulaziz—may he rest in peace—until today, water has been one of the top priorities in national development plans. The Kingdom has invested in desalination technologies, water networks, and large-scale projects to ensure sustainability.

Saudi King

King Abdulaziz Al Saud

Ordered the installation of the first water distillation plants to support water sources in Jeddah.
Launched well-drilling projects to provide water in multiple regions.
Saudi King

King Saud bin Abdulaziz

Began implementing the first water desalination projects in the Kingdom.
Supported the development of infrastructure for water transport to major cities.
King Faisal

King Faisal bin Abdulaziz

Establishment of the Saline Water Conversion Corporation in 1974.
Initiated the operation of modern water desalination systems.
King Khalid

King Khalid bin Abdulaziz

Established new desalination plants to increase production and provide water to areas in need.
Supported water network infrastructure through major water transfer projects.
Launched dam projects to conserve and utilize rainwater.
King Fahad

King Fahad bin Abdulaziz

Expansion of desalination projects and development of water transport systems.
Launched new plants using advanced technologies in desalinated water production.
King Abdullah

King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz

Implementation of desalination projects across various regions of the Kingdom.
Adoption of sustainable solutions to conserve water resources.
King Salman

King Salman bin Abdulaziz

Transformation of the Saline Water Conversion Corporation into the 'Saudi Water Authority'.
Achieving world's highest desalinated water production with capacity exceeding 11.5 million cubic meters daily.
Launching renewable energy-based projects for water desalination.
Founding Day Pattern

And the story continues...

You can explore the details of this inspiring journey and discover the transformation and progress in the water sector

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