Main Page /Water sector system

Water sector system

Water Transmission

Water Transmission systems

Water Transmission involves the extraction of water from various sources, whether desalination or ground water, and then transporting it through transportation systems rely on large pipes called main pipelines that transport large quantities of water over long distances. Powerful pumps are usually used to move water through the pipes, especially when the distances are long or when there are differences in elevation between the water source and the consumers. Sometimes, open channels or underground pipes are used for transportation.

Water storage

Water Transmission and Technologies Company

It was established according to Cabinet Resolution No. (32), dated 11 Muharram 1441 AH, corresponding to September 10, 2019 AD. The establishment of the company is considered one of the results of the privatization program to achieve Saudi Vision 2030, and to achieve the objectives of the National Water Strategy, to be a pioneer in the water transmission and strategic storage sector, through the management, operation, and maintenance of water transmission, storage, and support systems in various regions of the Kingdom.

Water Transmission and Technologies Company

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